All Categories > Importing & Exporting
6 articles
Navigate to the "More" view (tap the gear icon in the upper-right on the iPad) and then tap on the "Tools" row. Tap "Export Podcast Subscriptions".
Updated 7 years ago by George Cox
To import your feeds from another podcast application, you will need to export your feeds to an OPML file from that application.For example, to export podcast feeds from iTunes, navigate to the Podca…
To export episode media files, select episodes in a podcast episode list or playlist, right click (or Control + Click) on one of the selected episodes and then tap the "export" option in the context…
You can export downloaded episode media files by navigating to the episode's "details" view by tapping the info button on the right side of an episode row in any list. Then tap the first button in th…
Downcast offers the ability to import audio and video files that may exist outside of any podcast feed. There are three ways to import these files: iTunes File Sharing: Using Apple's file sharing ins…
Downcast allows you to share your podcast subscriptions (OPML file) and podcast episode media files to your computer through iTunes by tapping the "Send to Computer" option when exporting. After choo…