Locating Crash Logs (iOS)

Updated by George Cox

While troubleshooting a reported issue, Downcast support may request that you send crash logs for Downcast for iOS. The following instructions will help you locate these crash logs:


  1. Sync your iOS device with iTunes
  2. Open the Finder from the Dock
  3. Click "Go" in the menu bar
  4. Hold down the Option button and click "Library"
  5. Navigate to Logs => CrashReporter => MobileDevice => [Your Device's Name]


  1. Sync your iOS device with iTunes
  2. Open Windows Explorer (i.e., File Explorer)
  3. Click in the address bar and paste the following: C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData (replacing [Your Username] with your actual username)
  4. Navigate to Roaming => Apple Computer => Logs => CrashReporter => MobileDevice => [Your Device's Name]

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